What's new in Packet tracer 7.4.0T ?
Cisco Packet Tracer 8.2.2 build 0400 has been released for download ! Have a look at Cisco Packet Tracer 8.2.2 new features.
Reference to a new Cisco Packet Tracer 7.4.0T version appeared in a November 2020 Cisco DevNet Associate webinar. Current build number available for download in support to the DevNet Associate course is Packet Tracer
The New Packet Tracer 7.4.0T version is provided in a DEVASC virtual machine embedding all the lab tools required for the Netacad DevNet Associate course. The DEVASC virtual machine can be downloaded from the http://static-course-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/DEVNET/DEVASC_VM.ova Cisco NetAcad AWS S3 repository.
Does Cisco Packet Tracer 7.3.x support the DevNet Associate course?
No. The DevNet Associate course is using a special build of Packet Tracer 7.4.0T for Network
Automation, that adds an SDN Controller model to Packet Tracer. This build of Packet Tracer is currently
only available in the DEVASC VM.
Where can I find the Packet Tracer 7.4.0T for Network Automation?
Packet Tracer 7.4.0T for Network Automation adds an SDN Controller model to Packet Tracer. This build of Packet Tracer is currently only available in the DEVASC VM. Cisco Packet Tracer 8.0.0 embedding the same Network Automation feature can now be downloaded from Netacad website.
What is the DEVASC virtual machine?
The DEVASC virtual machine is a VirtualBox virtual machine based on Ubuntu 20.04 Linux with Mate Desktop environment which is used for lost of the labs of the Cisco DevNet DEVASC course. It is provided as an OVA archive and brings all the software tools required to complete the DEVASC labs :
- Python & Python modules
- Docker
- VS Code : code editor
- git: source version management
- Chromium : web browser
- Postman : useful to interact with REST API
- sqlitebrowser: browse and edit sqlite databases
- Drawio : Draw network architectures
- Cisco Packet Tracer 7.4.0T for Network Automation
- Ansible : deployment automation
- [ ...]
New hardware - SDN Network Controller device
Packet Tracer 7.4.0T includes a new SDN Network Controller device with programming capabilities to manage, monitor, and configure network devices through a graphical user interfgace and a REST API.
A "Cisco Packet Tracer Northbound API" is also included in this new Packet Tracer version. It enables students to access the network controller using REST interface over HTTP and to program Pythpn scripts using PC device Programming Tab.
A crossover cable is required to connect the PC device to the network controller.
Check Packet Tracer 8.0.0 released for download article for details about python network programmability.
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Download Cisco Packet Tracer 8.2.2 & GNS3
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