Packet Tracer 8.2 - Precision Time Protocol
What is Precision Time Protocol (PTP) ?
Precision Time Protocol (P2P) is a feature of Packet Tracer 8.2 available in IE2000 industrial switches.
This time synchronization protocol is defined in IEEE-1588 as Precision Clock Synchronization for Networked Measurements and Control Systems, and was developed to synchronize the clocks in networks devices that include distributed device clocks with various levels of precision and stability. Acurate time synchronization is vital for smart grid power automation applications such as virtual power generators and peak-hour billing, but also for network outage monitoring tools which require a high level of time accuracy and stability.
PTP configuration in Packet Tracer 8.2
Precision Time protocol can be simulated in Packet Tracer 8.2 using IE2000 switches. These switches features three PTP modes :
- boundary
- end-to-end transparent
- forward.
Switch(config)#ptp mode ?
boundary Boundary Clock mode
e2etransparent End-to-End Transparent Clock mode
forward Forward packets without processing
1.Configure PTP using the following commands
Switch(config)#ptp mode boundary
Switch(config)#interface fastEthernet 1/1
Switch(config-if)#ptp enable
2. Verify PTP global configuration using the show ptp clock command
Switch#show ptp clock
PTP Device Type: Boundary clock
PTP Device Profile: Default Profile
Clock Identity: 0x00:50:0F:FF:FE:0A:9D:00
Clock Domain: 0
Number of PTP ports: 10
Priority1: 128
Priority2: 128
Clock Quality:
Class: 248
Accuracy: Unknown
Offset (log variance): N/A
Offset From Master(ns): 0
Mean Path Delay(ns): 0
Steps Removed: 0
Local clock time: 01:51:07 UTC mars 30 2011
3. Verify the fastethernet 1.1 configuration using the show ptp port IOS command to make sure PTP clock is forwarded on the network interface.
Switch#show ptp port
PTP PORT DATASET: FastEthernet1/1
Port identity: clock identity: 0x00:50:0F:FF:FE:0A:9D:00
Port identity: port number: 1
PTP version: 2
Port state: MASTER
Delay request interval(log mean): 5
Announce receipt time out: 3
Announce interval(log mean): 1
Sync interval(log mean): 0
Delay Mechanism: End to End
Peer delay request interval(log mean): 0
Sync fault limit: 500000000