Configuration tasks
CME-3 configuration
IP configuration
hostname CME-3
interface FastEthernet0/0
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
ip classless
ip route
Telephony service configuration
max-ephones 5
max-dn 5
ip source-address port 2000
auto assign 4 to 6
auto assign 1 to 5
Ephone declaration and number assignment
ephone-dn 1
number 2001
ephone-dn 2
number 2002
ephone 1
device-security-mode none
mac-address 0090.0C57.C85E
type 7960
ephone 2
device-security-mode none
mac-address 0090.0C20.BA20
type 7960
ephone 3
device-security-mode none
mac-address 0005.5E9E.2AC5
type 7960
button 1:2
ephone 4
device-security-mode none
mac-address 0060.5C2D.6220
type 7960
button 1:1
CME configuration
IP configuration
hostname CME
interface FastEthernet0/1
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
ip classless
ip route
Telephony service configuration
max-ephones 42
max-dn 144
ip source-address port 2000
auto assign 4 to 6
auto assign 1 to 5
Ephone declaration and number assignment
ephone-dn 1
number 1101
ephone-dn 2
number 1102
ephone-dn 3
number 1103
ephone-dn 4
number 1104
ephone-dn 5
number 1105
ephone-dn 6
number 1106
ephone 1
device-security-mode none
mac-address 0090.0C57.C85E
type 7960
button 1:1
ephone 2
device-security-mode none
mac-address 0090.0C20.BA20
type 7960
button 1:2
ephone 3
device-security-mode none
mac-address 00E0.A340.E430
type 7960
button 1:3
ephone 4
device-security-mode none
mac-address 0060.4710.AE01
type 7960
button 1:4
ephone 5
device-security-mode none
mac-address 000C.8521.0C20
type 7960
button 1:5
ephone 6
device-security-mode none
mac-address 00D0.D31A.7EE9
type CIPC
button 1:6
Call routing configuration between CME routers
Dial peers are used to identify call source and destination endpoints and to define the characteristics applied between two CME routers. The destination pattern, configured in a dial peer by using the destination-pattern command, associates a dialed string with a specific telephony device. If the dialed string matches the destination pattern, the call is routed to the remote dial peers. You have to configure a destination pattern for each voice-network dial peer that you define on your network routers.
The destination pattern can be either a complete telephone number or a partial telephone number with wildcard digits, represented by a period (.) character. Each "." represents a wildcard for an individual digit that the originating router expects to match. For example, if the destination pattern for a dial peer is defined as "555....", then any dialed string beginning with 555, plus at least four additional digits, matches this dial peer.
CME-3 dial-peer configuration
dial-peer voice 1 voip
destination-pattern 1...
session target ipv4:
CME dial-peer configuration
dial-peer voice 2 voip
destination-pattern 2...
session target ipv4: